Temporary Event Set-Up Example:
An Innovative Food Safety Website - Multnomah County, Oregon
Quiz Show - Can you reuse shells for food products other than the original inhabitant?
Q & A - Do I need to date mark my sour cream, yogurt and cottage cheese?
Q & A - Can I forage food in the woods for my menu?
Q & A - Can any food truck cool food?
Q & A - A customer told me I should not be burning wood in my outdoor firepit or oven. Is that true?
Q & A - Can I do pickling in my restaurant?
Q & A - Handling Money and Handing Food
Q & A - Would you be able to advise on the rules for starting a home bakery?
Q & A - Will my inspector return for in-person inspections now the restrictions have loosened?
Q & A - Looking for a guide to do an in-house health inspection. Do you have a form?
Q & A - Sushi on conveyor belt OK yet?
Q & A - Do I have to provide a bathroom because I have tables outside to wait for your take food?
Q & A - Can we make sauerkraut in-house?
Q & A - Spring Mix in a Bag
Q & A - How does the warning week and movement week work, exactly?
Q & A - Self-Serve Yogurt Shop
Q & A - Plexi-Glass Dividers and Guards
Q & A - Stainless Steel 'Scrubbies'
Q & A - Scam Phone Call Asking For Money
Q & A - How can you get e coli from flour? I thought you get it from raw ground meat?