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​Our main county website has all of the information you need to get licensed and stay in compliance:
COVID-19 Related Resources
County Reopening & Guidance (available in 10 languages)
Covid-19 Posters & Flyers for Download/Print (available in multiple languages)
Know the Facts of COVID-19 (Poster)
Guidance for Employers with a Positive Case
Guidance for Employees that have Tested Positive
Governor's Page
Oregon Health Authority - COVID - Food Safety (multiple languages)
Other Helpful Links​
FDA Foodborne Illness - Testimonial Videos
Deli Self-Assessment Tool from Dept of Agriculture
Monthly Self Audit - Food Safety Checklist, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
Food Handler's Card Test
Look Up Restaurant Scores
Make a Foodborne Illness Complaint
2012 Oregon Food Sanitation Rules
Mobile Unit Playbook
Our main county website has a set of resources for food service operators.
Food and Drug Administration Food Safety Posters in MANY languages.
The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) also has over thirty fact sheets explaining changes made to the current food code.

Want to Open a Food Truck?:
What Happens During A Restaurant Inspection?:
Temporary Event Set-Up Example:
Restaurant Inspection Example:
How To Cool Foods:
Q + A
Q + A
Do you have a question you haven't found the answer to? Test our knowledge.
We'll reply to you and your question may be featured anonymously on our blog!
​We may have already answered your question. Have a look in our Q&A answers here.
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