Who We Are
Updated: Jun 17, 2021
The theme of the column, ‘Who We Are’, is to shine a light on yourself and others doing food in our county and to blur the lines between ‘us’ and ‘them’. We are a family of dedicated workers and I encourage you to celebrate the connection rather than look for the differences. We are all an important part of the world-renowned culinary scene in Portland and it’s time we see who we are.
Please contact us at mcfoodsafety@multco.us if you would like to be featured. Dare to see and be seen.
Type of food service: A benevolent organization serving full course meals for the hungry and homeless.
Originally from:
Trudi is from Nebraska and Leslie is a native Portlandian.
How you got here: We both love to eat food and help others in need.
Biggest challenge with food code: Sweaty palms when we see the health inspector coming!
Favorite thing about the business: Our love for our volunteers and those we serve.
Hours worked daily: 10 hours a day - 2 times a week.
Favorite food: The oven baked chicken we serve every Monday.