Food Safety Crossword Puzzle #1

4 A breading mix for raw proteins must be sifted every _____ hours and is not to exceed seven days of use. 5 In-use utensils (spatulas, spoons…) must be kept at 41F or lower or 135F or higher, to keep them out of the temperature _____ zone while in use. 6 Par-cooked or pre-grilled chicken must be cooled according to proper cooling protocols and stored _____ ground raw meats. 7 When using an outdoor BBQ at your facility you can treat it as a mini kitchen and provide cold side dishes, hold food in chafing dishes and have cold holding for your raw proteins. (True or False) 11 In addition to traditional tobacco smoking, _____ is not allowed in restaurants. 12 Jon Snow’s albino dire wolf in “Game of Thrones” is named _____. (Winter is coming.) 13 To cook and or brown food in a small amount of hot fat. 14 The vision statement of Multnomah County Health Department is Healthy People in _____ Communities.
1 Proper _____ is the number one way to prevent food borne illness outbreaks. 2 When setting out a carving station for a baron of beef or prime rib, you can hold it safely for a maximum of ____ hours if not being held at135F or higher. 3 When you arrive at work, are you are required to single or double handwash? 8 Beef that is chopped finely and served raw with minced onion, parsley, capers, and often a raw egg is called steak _____ and requires a consumer advisory. 9 “Pooling” this product ahead of time requires a cooking temperature of 155F rather than 145F. 10 During the cooling process, you have 2 hours to go from 135F to 70F. If your products has not reached 70F in 2 hours, the corrective action would be to _____ to 165F for 15 seconds or more.
