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CBD - Here’s the deal.

Updated: May 31, 2020

We have been seeing a growing number of establishments in Multnomah County offering products containing CBD oil. Because these are newer products to enter the mainstream food industry, rules and regulations are quickly evolving. Here is what you need to know to stay within the Oregon Food Sanitation Rules.

To begin, let’s clear up some definitions…

CBD and THC are both chemicals found in cannabis plants and are considered cannabinoids. CBD stands for cannabidiol and will not make a person high. THC, tetrahydrocannabinol, is the chemical associated with the psychoactive effects of marijuana.

Hemp and marijuana are both cannabis plants. The main difference between them comes from the chemical compounds each contains. Hemp contains less than 0.3% THC, while marijuana can contain over 25%. Both hemp and marijuana contain CBD in varying amounts.

How does this apply to me?

Marijuana products are prohibited in Oregon food service facilities. However, Oregon law does not prohibit CBD products made from hemp if certain conditions are met.

A CBD product made from hemp is allowed by state law in food service facilities if it:

Is a processed product (not raw/dried industrial hemp or leaves/flowers) Has passed all testing requirements for pesticides, solvents, THC and CBD potency Contains less than 0.3 percent THC. Products containing CBD oil from marijuana are still prohibited in our licensed facilities.

There are many commercially packaged hemp products containing CBD being sold across Oregon (and the US).  When you find a hemp product containing CBD that was manufactured in Oregon that you would like to use in your facility, you should confirm that it is from a licensed ODA food processor.

For any out-of-state products, you need to demonstrate that it is from a licensed/inspected source that follows the above requirements. This includes products purchased from ODA licensed warehouses. You are required to have this documentation available to show at any inspection.  If you cannot provide proof that your CBD oil is in line with regulations, you will be cited  for using an unapproved additive during your inspection and you must remove it.

Laws and regulations surrounding cannabis products are quickly evolving. These recommendations are up to date as of April 2019 and we will continue to provide as up to date information as possible.

The Oregon Liquor Control Commission has banned alcoholic drinks infused with the inactive ingredient of cannabis,CBD 1/1/2020.



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