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Q & A - Can I still require masks?

Q - Can I still require masks even though the Governor said we do have to? I own a small restaurant and 6 feet between tables is really makes things hard.

A - Yep! It is your place of business and you have the right to still require masks.


Public Health Advisory:

All Multnomah County residents are strongly encouraged to continue wearing masks in indoor public settings, whether vaccinated or not. Why?

• Just over 50% of people in the Metro area are fully vaccinated. There is no efficient way of knowing who is vaccinated and who is not. • At least 70% of residents age 16 and older need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before this Public Health advisory will no longer be in effect. • Hundreds of businesses have stated that it is not practical for their employees to try to determine vaccination status. There have been dangerous interactions in the past between employees and customers regarding mask wearing.

⭐ To protect workers from these situations, and to protect health and support safety for everyone, please wear a mask indoors as we work to get more people vaccinated.


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